JT 3D to Rhino




JT 3D to Rhino


Plug-in Rhino Version : 2024.4
Upgrade date : 2024-10-02
OS : Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 (64 bits)

- Enables accurate and convenient CAD data transfer of JT files in Rhinoceros software.
- Does NOT require any third party license.
- Transfers ALL 3D data.
- Imports parts & assemblies (*.jt).
- Imports textures.
- Imports the assembly tree as layers in Rhino. 

This download will install the complete range of CAD Data import solutions dedicated to Rhino.

Benefit from the special pricing of our bundle! (packages of all our CAD Data import solutions for Rhino


(JT: 6.4 to 10.7) (Rhino: 5(64bits) to 8)

JT 3D to Rhino mapping
Module Type Input Output Remarks
Assembly Assembly Assembly CRhinoInstanceObject
Attributes Attribute Color Color
Name Name
Material Material Texture Material Texture
Geometry Surface Nurbs Surface Nurbs Surface
Topology CoEdge CoEdge
Edge Edge
Face Face
Loop Loop
Region Body
Shell Body
Vertex Vertex
Wireframe Nurbs Nurbs
Point Point
Mesh FacettedBody Mesh Mesh

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